On 4/24/07 6:31 PM, Nikolay Ananiev wrote:
> As we all know, parrot has been in development for 7 years now. That's a lot
> of time and many things have changed since then. From my point of view one of
> the biggest strengths of Parrot is that it's a target for many (and why not
> all?) dynamic languages and as I know there's no other VM like it. Well...
> since now.
> Check this article: http://blogs.zdnet.com/microsoft/?p=404 Microsoft
> announces a dynamic layer for CLR, so they will be able to support dynamic
> languages on their VM. And JVM 1.6 already has this, plus it's opensource and
> has support for the mainstream platforms.
> So, is one of parrot's biggest strengths gone? Are we too late?
> Why would the developers use Parrot instead of JVM/CLR/Mono?

I think the role Parrot aims to fill is remains unfilled, although it is
being approached from both sides.  Check out this LLVM presentation, for


Look towards the ends of the slides:


An excerpt:

    Call for help!

    ­ OSS community needs to unite work on various scripting languages
      ­ Common module to represent/type infer an arbitrary dynamic language
    ­ Who will provide this?  pypy? parrot? llvm itself someday ("hlvm")?

HLVM is actually in progress:


Judging by how fast LLVM has progressed since Apple's been backing it
(almost two years now) LLVM/HLVM may be something to watch (or work with...)


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