On Mon, 12 Nov 2007, James Keenan via RT wrote:

> I will try to repair these tests, and I would ask that you give me rapid
> feedback on the patches I post, as I cannot replicate the errors you
> have pointed out.  But I also would like to note that this points out
> that our reliance on Perl 5's %Config is showing its age.

I'll try, but rapid feedback is not easy.  Among other things, the test 
suite is currently going into various infinite loops.  I nailed one today, 
but there are others.

Actually, these problems should be relatively easy to reproduce.  For 
example, you could build a fresh copy of perl and hand edit it's Config.pm 
to include a bogus library (e.g. add -lbogus to it's libs variable) and 
use that perl to build parrot.

Another thing you could do is simply never load init::defaults.  Load the 
correct Config instead.

    Andy Dougherty              [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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