On Nov 17, 2007, at 11:25 AM, Andy Dougherty via RT wrote:

I used something like
        perl5.8 Configure.pl --cc=gcc --link=gcc --ld=gcc --ask

(the --ask is because I also changed the ccflags, ldflags, and libs to
match gcc, and the --ask version prompts with a default that is almost,
but not quite, what I want.)

How wedded are you to the continued existence of the --ask option, i.e., to the interactive mode in Parrot configuration?

While at the gym today, I realized that almost no matter what I did, I would probably never be able to write tests of the configuration steps which are robust enough to meet the situations you and chromatic have described if users can change the direction of configuration seven or more steps into the configuration process.

If, however, users were required to specify their variants as options to Configure.pl, then I could adapt existing code such that:

    perl5.8 Configure.pl --test --cc=gcc --link=gcc --ld=gcc ...

... makes all those options immediately available to the tests in t/ configure/ as well as to Configure.pl. The configuration tools tests would then have available from the outset (a) all information available from the Perl 5 Config, and (b) all information the user wants/needs to specifically supply. This would have the following consequences:

1) The test suite could be revised so that it more accurately reflects the situation on the user's system. 2) The configuration system could be considerably simplified, as the values determined in the current 'inter::' steps could either be set in 'init::' steps or 'auto::' steps. 3) The test suite would be simplified, as many test files now exist solely to test the '--ask' option in 'inter::' steps. 4) Since we could more accurately test our configuration tools *before* actual configuration -- which, I have argued, is the right time to do it, we could remove the 't/configure/*.t' tests from the suite of tests run by 'make test'. Those Parrot developers working on the configuration and build systems would have to run the pre- and post-configuration tests, but other Parrot developers and language porters would not. 5) We would be in a better position to move to particle's proposed file-based configuration in the future. Command-line options, interactive prompts and file-based configuration are all a way of getting information from the user and stuffing it into the Parrot::Configure object. Both command-line options and file-based configuration supply Parrot::Configure::runsteps() with all the information it needs before it starts running. The tests for individual config steps which we have currently written would not require adaptation to work with file-based configuration. Supplying that information via interactive prompts, however, means supplying information once Parrot::Configure::runsteps() has already started running. The various situations there are too numerous to mock. Going forward, I'm willing to maintain two ways of getting information into the Parrot::Configure object -- but not three.

For the work I do on Parrot, I am constantly re-running Configure.pl. On Linux I can get away with no command-line options at all. On Darwin, I have to use some like --without-gdbm because of the limitations of my iBook and some to get around a mistaken attempt to build my own 'gcc'. (The latter options were taught to me by chromatic and Coke. I wrap them in a shell script and *never* change them.) So I have no use for interactive configuration steps whatsoever. (Hey, I get frightened when I see interactive prompts when installing CPAN modules!) I suspect that anyone who has to reconfigure Parrot repeatedly can be persuaded to put all the options up front. If that's the case, then we could scrap the interactive mode -- and I could write much more robust tests!

So, how many people out there find that interactive prompts are absolutely essential for configuring Parrot?


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