[EMAIL PROTECTED] skribis 2008-02-21  9:38 (+0100):
> 1) Let The Perl Foundation decide what to do with the money
> advantage: they already have a comitee (is that really an advantage? ;-)
> disadvantage: they seem to think that Perl 6 on Parrot is _the_ and the
> only way to go. (There's nothing wrong with rakudo and parrot, but Perl 6
> is, by definition, a language. And it should have multiple
> implementations)

I would very strongly prefer to see a focussed effort towards a single
full implementation.

There are many important benefits to having several implementations,
including fun and education. But commercially and marketing-wise, it's
better to first assemble something that *works*, then to optimize its
performance. In terms of priority, the compatible alternative
implementation should come third, not first. It would be unwise to fund
multiple implementation projects, and raising those funds would be
unnecessarily hard.

Many people feel that Perl 6 is going nowhere. Best thing the community
can do, is to show them that Perl 6 is getting somewhere. Every
destination is most quickly reached by travelling in a straight line.
Met vriendelijke groet,  Kind regards,  Korajn salutojn,

  Juerd Waalboer:  Perl hacker  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  <http://juerd.nl/sig>
  Convolution:     ICT solutions and consultancy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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