Damian Conway (Wednesday, March 26, 2008 3:39 AM):

> I have already contacted Uri and expressed my dismay at his entirely
> inappropriate interjection of an advertisement for our Perl College
> event into
> this discussion about funding for critical Perl projects and personnel.

There are at least 2 places where such things *would* be appropriate
to mention (suitably revised according to your wishes, of course):



Best regards,
Conrad Schneiker


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> -----Original Message-----
> From: Damian Conway [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
> Damian Conway
> Sent: Wednesday, March 26, 2008 3:39 AM
> Subject: Re: Perl 6 fundraising and related topics.
> Richard Hainsworth wrote:
> > Consider the position you put me, or another sponsor, in.
> I want to endorse everything Richard then went on to say.
> I have already contacted Uri and expressed my dismay at his entirely
> inappropriate interjection of an advertisement for our Perl College
> event into
> this discussion about funding for critical Perl projects and personnel.
> And I
> am especially upset that anyone might ever feel pressured to be
> involved in
> any project or sponsorship just because my name and reputation were
> invoked on
> its behalf.
> It's critical that we find ways to support those in the Perl community
> who are
> either building our future or (just as importantly) maintaining our
> present.
> But injecting UCE into such discussions does not further that goal, and
> I am
> sincerely sorry that it was done in my name.
> Damian

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