James E Keenan wrote:

On the basis of doing two of these buildfests in the past month, I would say that TAs are what we *most* need.

Except for the first 5 and last 10 minutes of the session, all the Parrot team members present will be moving around the room coaching people on how to configure and build Parrot, then build Rakudo ... or any other language that, as of YAPC time, we can build on top of Parrot. This is not intended to be an "expert standing in front of the room, lecturing for 75 minutes, then taking questions" type of presentation.

So far, other than Bob Rogers, no one has indicated that they would be willing to participate as a mentor/TA/co-leader of this workshop. This workshop will be held on Wed June 18, 10:05 am. We could draw anywhere from 20-80 participants. On the basis of my experience at the build fests in Toronto and New York, I'd say we should try to get 1 mentor for every 8-12 attendees.

If you are willing to work on this with me, please sign up *in advance of YAPC* on our wiki: http://www.perlfoundation.org/parrot/index.cgi?yapc_na_2008

Thank you very much.
Jim Keenan

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