On Tue, May 13, 2008 at 10:22 PM, James E Keenan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> James E Keenan wrote:
> >
> > On the basis of doing two of these buildfests in the past month, I would
> say that TAs are what we *most* need.
> >
> > Except for the first 5 and last 10 minutes of the session, all the Parrot
> team members present will be moving around the room coaching people on how
> to configure and build Parrot, then build Rakudo ... or any other language
> that, as of YAPC time, we can build on top of Parrot.  This is not intended
> to be an "expert standing in front of the room, lecturing for 75 minutes,
> then taking questions" type of presentation.
> >
> >
>  So far, other than Bob Rogers, no one has indicated that they would be
> willing to participate as a mentor/TA/co-leader of this workshop.  This
> workshop will be held on Wed June 18, 10:05 am.  We could draw anywhere from
> 20-80 participants.  On the basis of my experience at the build fests in
> Toronto and New York, I'd say we should try to get 1 mentor for every 8-12
> attendees.
>  If you are willing to work on this with me, please sign up *in advance of
> YAPC* on our wiki:
> http://www.perlfoundation.org/parrot/index.cgi?yapc_na_2008
>  Thank you very much.
>  Jim Keenan

I'm planning on being there and helping out. Heading over to sign up...

Will "Coke" Coleda

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