On Tuesday 05 August 2008 13:19:52 Michael Peters wrote:

> If you deprecate a
> feature in 1 version and then it disappears in the next then the time
> between when my code works and when it doesn't is only 6 months. Some
> distros provide support for several years.

If they want to support ancient versions of code, that's their choice.  
Presumably they have customers paying them to do so.

(Also, no one forces you to upgrade.  If you want to keep running an ancient 
version, feel free.  Just don't expect me to care if you find a bug we fixed 
ancient - 1 years ago.  You get the source code for all previous versions.  
You get support for recent versions for free.  That's still quite a deal, 
even if for everything else you get my rate card.)

-- c

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