Will Coleda wrote:
Moritz Lenz wrote:
Reini Urban wrote:
Actually I stumbled over quite a lot of dangling references in the docs.
 Including, but not limited to, references to PDDS that still live in
draft/, but are references to be in docs/pdds/ directly.

What should we do with all these?

You can automatically check if the file exists, but youll get some false

Links to files should be valid: If the file isn't where we are
pointing, the link should be updated (or removed, if necessary).

An automatic test is a very good idea. Don't run it as part of 'make test' yet, but it'll give us a good baseline for going through and fixing the broken links. We should change the links for any PDDs in draft/ to say they're in draft/. Then the test will tell me all the files that need to be updated after I move the PDD out of draft.

(Another way to fix the PDD issues is to eliminate the draft directory
and just mark PDDs that are still considered in DRAFT with some
decorative POD; that has my vote)

I'm almost done with the PDDs in the draft directory. It's very helpful to be able to look at that directory and know exactly how many PDDs are still suffering from severe bit-rot.

So, yes, agreed on eliminating the docs/pdds/draft/ directory, but not until we launch the final few PDDs out of it in a comprehensible form.


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