From: Allison Randal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
   Date: Fri, 29 Aug 2008 11:19:37 +0200

   Bob Rogers wrote:
   >    Just "single dispatch". A method that's single dispatched, is... a 
   > True.  Nevertheless, the two kinds of method are treated quite
   > differently by Parrot, both when being defined and when being called.
   > That is why it is awkward not to have concise names for both kinds.

   We have vtable functions, subs, methods, and multis.

So you prefer the plain term "method" for "method that is not a
multimethod"?  That seems prone to confusion.  What do you suggest for
the generic term?

   A multi is neither a sub nor a method nor a vtable function, though
   it may substitute for any of them.


By "multi" do you mean "multisub" or "multimethod"?  Either way, it
seems there is something missing from your enumeration above.

                                        -- Bob

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