[Subject changed to pdd30_install, as we are talking about this the whole time]

Allison Randal schrieb:
Will Coleda wrote:
At the moment I'm planning for language pbcs to go into
.../parrot/library/ so they can be easily accessed via
load_bytecode.  I've found that in a dynamic environment like
Parrot there's very little difference between a language and
a library [1].  :-)
That's probably the best, but we can also think of not installing that at all, and only install executables. But then the new pddxx_language_interop.pod
at http://nopaste.snit.ch/13890 will have problems. exe cannot loaded
from other languages, only pbc's.

Right. We have to (eventually) install the pbcs, no matter if we also
install the exes for convenience.

Yes. And the exes (or aliases to the parrot exe) should go in the same bin directory as parrot.


Most packages will not accept packages with /usr/bin/scheme, /usr/bin/lisp, /usr/bin/forth, /usr/bin/lua, /usr/bin/tclsh
were these are the parrot implementations.

So most packages use the "parrot-" prefix for all language installables, the pbc is without this prefix. With fedora and cygwin, the rest does not install language installables yet.

Current exceptions for the "parrot-" prefix:

Future possible exceptions:
  cardinal, chitchat, cola, eclectus, pheme, pynie, punie, squaak
(wise choice in the names)

For consistency I would suggest to introduce no such exceptions,
besides perl6. But this is just a personal favor.
Reini Urban
http://phpwiki.org/  http://murbreak.at/

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