Andy Dougherty schrieb:
On Thu, 28 Aug 2008, Reini Urban wrote:

Will Coleda schrieb:
On Thu, Aug 28, 2008 at 11:09 AM, Reini Urban <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
We could thing of symlinking it to runtime/parrot/library
at make languages, so language_interop can be tested.
Are symlinks usable wherever we might install?
True, there's no perl -MExtUtils::Command -e ln_s
But we have LN_S          = @lns@

But that's not necessarily a symbolic link. It was originally intended only for use with files, not directories. If symlinks aren't available on Unix, it falls back to a plain 'ln'. On Win32 versions of perl, lns is usually defined as 'copy'.

So the short answer is that, at the moment, without additional work, you can't assume $Config{lns} can be used to make symbolic links for directories.

I only wanted to link the language pbc files from
languages/<lang>/<lang>.pbc to runtime/parrot/library/<lang>.pbc

And only if someone needs it for hll interop testing.
Reini Urban

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