I like the "Camelia" it's colourful, fun - it even has an embedded, sideways
reference to a "Camel".

But IMHO there is a need for three logos:

1. Combined Parrot + Rakudo

I like the suggestion of having cartoon "speech bubbles" around the Parrot
that contain favicons of the language icons (e.g., Python, Ruby). This means
the Rakudo icon needs to be distinctive at favicon size - but that should be
a design objective anyway.

(Parrot with speech bubbles in favicon halo)++

2. Rakudo

Camelia is colourful, fun, can look distinctive at favicon size and may act
as a friendly mascot - and, unlike a camel, it does not spit or smell[1].


3. "Perl6 = the test suite"

The current plan is that Perl6 will not have a single implementation but
that the test suite is shared by implementations. I think there is a need
for a "Perl6 = test suite" device - ideally it should be possible to
visually incorporate it with the implementation logos (e.g., Camelia, Pugs,
SMOP etc) - this means it should be graphically *very* simple.

This sub-device could capture the distinctiveness of Perl6. Ideas include:

     [ ] -  meta-operator "brackets" - [ ] - these could surround the
implementation logos
                                                       - test suite as a
shield against bugs, strength etc
                                                       - hmm, not sure,
Camelia could look trapped at 16x16?

     *  - whatever                            - a whatever star could be
placed on Camelia's wings
                                                   - a dog collar on the

     <<>>                                      - a hyper pattern on
Camelia's wings?

     \*  *\                                        - capture whatever? end

There is rich visual expressiveness and distinctiveness in Perl6 operators -
not to mention functionality - it would be a shame not to use these
iconically - I think the "Perl6 + Test Suite" logo has a chance to do this.

If it stays *really simple* the implementation logos can embed it too.

What is a Perl6 operator that sums up Perl6 and looks visually distinctive?
- this could form the basis of the "Perl6 + Test Suite" device - which in
turn could be incorporated by implementation logos? ...

Taken together - these three devices (Parrot favicon speech bubbles, Rakudo
Camelia and Perl6 = Test Suite[?]) could "interlock" and help visually stick
the meme complex together ... it's exciting.


[1] and best of all is not confusing with other registered trademarks.

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