Patrick R. Michaud wrote:
On Fri, Mar 27, 2009 at 05:49:02PM -0400, Henry Baragar wrote:
I believe that there are hands where $p = 15|26 which would not beat a hand where $d = 17.

I believe that the correct way to calculate the "value of the hand" is:

   my $p = ([+] @p).map{.eigenstates}.grep{$_ < 21}.max;

Since the result of [+] is a scalar we don't need to 'map' it. Assuming that .eigenstates exists it would then be

    my $p = ([+] @p).eigenstates.grep({ $_ < 21 }).max
Argh... the multiple personalities of the junction caused me to forget that there is only one scalar! HB

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