Darren Duncan wrote:

>  pg 36 - About the "Perl Best Practices" book, you should be clear to
> mention that what is considered best practices has evolved significantly
> since that book came out, so teams can't simply agree on "We'll just follow
> PBP guidelines" and call it a day, but should study more modern resources
> also;

While it's certainly true that best practices have evolved (and
modernized ;-) since PBP came out, teams *can* still simply agree to
follow PBP. They won't we as well off as if they'd thought about the
issues themselves (i.e. read and followed the advice in Chapter 1) and
explored the various modern/evolved resources now available, but they'd
still be much better off than they are at present.

Not everyone has the time, inclination, or capacity to evaluate
the myriad possibilities and make informed personal judgements in
every case.

Ideally, if you mention PBP, describe it as a starting point (which is
how it describes itself in Chapter 1, btw), and the various Enlightened
and Modern Perl movements as evolutionary resources for going much
further in certain very specific directions.

>  in particular the recommendation to use Class::STD/etc is outdated,
> and people should use Moose instead.

There is no doubt that Moose is an excellent and very advanced framework,
but both the above assertions are highly debatable, especially if you
s/moribund Class::Std/actively developed Object::InsideOut/.


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