On Tue, Sep 15, 2009 at 09:40:46AM +1000, Damian Conway wrote:
> Darren Duncan wrote:
> > So another proposal I have is to add to the slideshow mentions of the
> > Enlightened and Modern Perl movements and where one can go to read more,
> > this being supplemental to PBP.
> With that suggestion I'd whole-heartedly concur.

I'm covering that with a slide based on chromatic's blog post
(I've taken a few minor liberties with the dates, so don't get picky.)

    Milestones in the Perl Renaissance

    2001:  Lexical file-handles,  Test::Simple
    2002:  Module::Build,  Test::Builder,
    2003:  PAR,  Perl 5.8.1
    2004:  Perl 6 Apocalypse 12 (Roles),  CPANTS
    2005:  PPI,  Perl::Critic
    2006:  CPAN Testers,  Moose,  Strawberry Perl
    2007:  Devel::Declare,  local::lib
    2008:  Padre,  Enlightened Perl Organization
    2009:  Iron Man Blogging Challenge

with a speaker note of

    All this happened after the Perl 6 project was announced.
    Modern Perl, 21st Century Perl, is very different to 20th Century Perl.


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