On Mon, Feb 22, 2010 at 01:38:06PM -0300, Daniel Ruoso wrote:
: Em Dom, 2010-02-21 às 21:09 -0800, Larry Wall escreveu:
: > I now see that the most important determinant of DateTimes is
: > neither the Dates nor the Times themselves, but which TZ you're in.
: > I propose renaming Temporal to TZ, so we get TZ::Date, TZ::Time, etc,
: > since they're all dependent primarily on exactly where on earth you
: > are, which determines how civil (or incivil) your cultural time is.
: > It will also tend to prevent people from assuming anything universal
: > about such types.
: This issue was addressed when we got into the difference between Instant
: and DateTime.
: The thing is, much like a Str can't be seen as a Buf without an
: encoding... a Instant can't be seen as a Date without a timezone...
: That's the barrier between Instant and DateTime, as currently stated at
: S32/Temporal.pod...
: Take a look at all the classes and roles declared there...

Yes, I know all that.  I'm just proposing s:g/Temporal/TZ/ to make that
distinction clearer.


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