On March 24, 2010 14:53 , Karthik BP (via RT) <perl6-bugs-follo...@perl.org> wrote:
I'm trying to build rel#27 on Ubuntu, with gcc4.4.1, libicu4.0.1 on my
laptop having 512MB ram+750MB swap. The build seems to encounter a lot of
memory thrashing.

I encountered this problem some months back on a VM guest running Fedora 11. Increasing the amount of RAM to 1024 MB solved the problem. As is true in your case, Rakudo had previously built fine with only 512 MB RAM but over time swapping during the build got so bad that the build would (effectively) never complete. I strongly recommend increasing the amount of memory to 1024 MB if you are going to build Rakudo; 512 MB is more than sufficient for running it, however.

                Mark Montague

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