On Thu, Mar 25, 2010 at 9:47 AM, Mark Montague <markm...@umich.edu> wrote:
>  On March 24, 2010 14:53 , Karthik BP (via RT)
> <perl6-bugs-follo...@perl.org> wrote:
>> I'm trying to build rel#27 on Ubuntu, with gcc4.4.1, libicu4.0.1 on my
>> laptop having 512MB ram+750MB swap. The build seems to encounter a lot of
>> memory thrashing.
> I encountered this problem some months back on a VM guest running Fedora 11.
>  Increasing the amount of RAM to 1024 MB solved the problem.  As is true in
> your case, Rakudo had previously built fine with only 512 MB RAM but over
> time swapping during the build got so bad that the build would (effectively)
> never complete.  I strongly recommend increasing the amount of memory to
> 1024 MB if you are going to build Rakudo; 512 MB is more than sufficient for
> running it, however.
> --
>                Mark Montague
>                markm...@umich.edu

There were some parrot memory issues that were recently fixed; I'd
recommend doing a build with a new parrot and trying again to see if
that helps.

Will "Coke" Coleda

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