On Wed, 2011-05-01 at 10:24 -0700, Wendell Hatcher wrote:
> I have to agree I don't think this is a serious project. In-fact at
> this point it seems like a bunch of friends working on a hobby in
> their basement.

I'm not sure I said anything to agree with.  You seem to misinterpret my

> >> Do you think that NOT listing Rakudo at shootout.alioth.debian.org means
> >> Rakudo is not a serious project?
> >> 
> >> Or did you have some other point?
> > 
> > Marketing.

What I meant was that a "serious project" pays attention to marketing.
The perl6 marketing effort is limited by resources more than go is.

> > The benchmarking program can be downloaded (which I've done) and comes
> > bundled with 2 or 3 python programs, one of which requires python 2.5
> > and I'm still on python 2.4 (don't ask).  However I've figured out how
> > to see the source for example programs, so I'll manually download all
> > the perl5 and C ones and try to get the benchmarker going for those.

Here's what I will attempt to reproduce:

I will start by downloading each program in C and perl (there seem to be
several C versions -- and sometimes several perl versions available) and
just running them appropriately.

> > 
> > It'll take me a little while ...

I'm fairly busy.  I'll report _any_ progress back to the list ... if you
don't hear from me by February 1st feel free to nag me.  By 'progress',
I mean something on github.


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