"Stefan Hornburg (Racke)" <ra...@linuxia.de> writes:
> Maybe we should focus on porting Perl 5 modules

With the current size of CPAN this is IMHO not the way to go. 

A Perl5 embedding interface is more promising. 

Pugs had that in a not perfect but usable state. Not sure about

An embedded Perl5 in Rakudo would even legitimate a special handling
that does not need to be generic in the usual “all foreign-language
vs. all Perl6-compilers” standard, because it's about Perl-on-Perl.

Once I could easily access CPAN modules I would immediately start
using Perl 6 for the daily routine work. The language has everything I
need, I just can't hack all the things I regularly use from CPAN.

Kind regards,
Steffen Schwigon <s...@renormalist.net>
Dresden Perl Mongers <http://dresden-pm.org/>

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