# New Ticket Created by  V V 
# Please include the string:  [perl #123216]
# in the subject line of all future correspondence about this issue. 
# <URL: https://rt.perl.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=123216 >

Not sure what is causing this (using Perl only a few days). I have the
following example

    use v6 ;
    sub infix:«MYPLUS»(*@a) is assoc('list') {
        [+] @a ;

    sub prefix:«MYMINUS»($a) is looser(&infix:<MYPLUS>) {
        -$a ;

    # QRPA: Can't pop from an empty array!
    say (MYMINUS 1 MYPLUS 2 MYPLUS 3) ;

However the following equivalent example works as expected

    use v6 ;
    sub prefix:«MYMINUS»($a) {
        -$a ;

    sub infix:«MYPLUS»(*@a) is assoc('list') is tighter(&prefix:<MYMINUS>) {
        [+] @a ;

    # prints -6 as expected
    say (MYMINUS 1 MYPLUS 2 MYPLUS 3) ;

Output of perl6 --version is
This is perl6 version 2014.10-121-g7dd7292 built on parrot 6.9.0
revision RELEASE_6_9_0-72-g4b90157


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