As a person new and looking at Perl 6 as I have done over the time I am
interested to know from Perl 6 Language advocates what exactly the strength
and benefit of Perl 6 is and will likely be?

Is there a particular domain it is going to be especially useful for ?

Is it going to be able to design a better Node.js, or Angular, or Numpy
etc, is it excelling at multi-core( yapc 2013 paper and real-time apps(spa's etc)
or a sys admin tool?

I am trying to get a feel for the why? I can see the why over python(it's
the same with prior versions), but what interests is why over Go or Ruby or

Would the PDL ( written in Perl 6 have an advantage to
the developer team and to end users?

What would/could catalyst ( do better if
in Perl 6?

I really am interested to here the why, the why in a practical sense of
usage and areas of endeavour that it would target and excel at.

Thank you


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