Tim Bunce writes:
> > >The word "pluggable" gives me the willies.  I feel like things like
> > >REs should have one blessed implementation and set of capabilities.
> The key point here is *one blessed implementation*.

(nat as nat)

When I said that, I was keeping in mind that we might have multiple
implementations when we're building a Perl to release, or preparing a
new version of Perl.  But I fear Joe Random User being able to install
their own regexp engine.  That way lies madness, surely.

> If people *want* to say "use My::New:Regex;" and have that install a
> new regex implementation for that lexical scope then we should allow
> that.

I don't hear a good reason for why we'd want this.  All I can see is
that it would lead to yet more crap that someone would have to install
in order to use a module.

> I doubt we'll see multiple regex engines but should shouldn't presume to
> stand in the way of making it possible.

Au contraire.  Some things we should stand in the way of.  I suspect
that this is one.


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