Graham Barr writes:
> Why would the fuzzy regex not be done this way ?

I have some small objections:

I think one regexp syntax with potentially wildly variable
interpretations is a dangerous thing.  If we want fuzzy
regexp matching, either put it into the core's re engine
or make it a module that doesn't use =~ and qr//.

I also think that lexically scoped RE engines are useless.
You want the engine scoped to the pattern, so you can mix
and match fuzzy with traditional (e.g., search engine has
box for pattern and buttons for regular RE or fuzzy, and
all you need to do is say:)

  $pattern = param("pattern");
  if (param("fuzzy")) {
    $re = qr/$pattern/f;
  } else {
    $re = qr/$pattern/;
  # ...
  while (<FILE>) {
    print if /$re/;

My big objection to a dynamically loadable core is my
experience (admittedly limited) with GNOME and Mozilla.
They're big Big BIG ... fat Fat FAT ... pigs Pigs PIGS.
I see the plethora of componentized libraries as part of
the problem.  I fear Perl becoming a big fat pig too.


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