Tom Christiansen wrote:
> >I don't understand this desire to not want anything to change.
> You misread.
> >This is an
> >opportunity to clean up the language, make it more useable, and more fun.
> >I would have a lot more fun if perl were a better performer and if it was
> >easy for me to expand it, contract it, reshape it, improve it, etc.
> Bah.  You start from false premises, and go on to fantasize
> bucolically about motherhood and apple pie.
> You will *not* improve the performance of the inner interpreter
> loop by having fewer opcodes to switch on.  Whether the number is
> 20 or 200, it's the same thing--*think* aboutit.  Furthermore,  It's
> been demonstrated that this supposed "gain", including in size, is
> negligible.  I have yet to see one iota of justification for denuding
> perl of its math functions.  If math functions should be removed,
> then so too string functions.  And that binmode silliness is in
> line before any of them, since it's absolutely useless because I
> never use it.
> See what I mean?
> Perl is *not* fun when it supplies nothing by default, the way C does(n't).
> If you want a language that can do nothing by itself, fine, but don't
> call it Perl.  Given these:
>     * Scalar manipulation
>     * Regular expressions and pattern matching
>     * Numeric functions
>     * Array processing
>     * List processing
>     * Hash processing
>     * Input and output
>     * Fixed-length data and records
>     * Filehandles, files, and directories
>     * Flow of program control
>     * Scoping
>     * Miscellaneous
>     * Processes and process groups
>     * Library modules
>     * Classes and objects
>     * Low-level socket access
>     * System V interprocess communication
>     * Fetching user and group information
>     * Fetching network information
>     * Time
> Your brain-damaged Perl would likely end up having nothing in it but these:
>     * Flow of program control
>     * Scoping
> Anything else would be fobbed off into back-of-the-bus modules.
> But I tell you this: your whole language will get fobbed off as
> a pain in the royal ass.
> Since day 1, perl has been useful because it's had so much in it.
> You don't want a language with a whole bunch of the commonly needed
> functions *already* in it, fine -- but it's not going to be perl,
> and it's not going to be useful.
> --tom

I would like to see a set of "requirements" that make Perl what it is. 
I think we all have a vague idea of what makes Perl great, but I'm also
sure there's a lot of variation.  With a SHORT list of requirements, it
becomes much easier to address some of these issues that are radical
changes to the language.

Here are some possibilities for inclusion in such a list:

native pattern matching;
list manipulation
aweswome text processing.
It's application glue  (thanks Tim)

Is this an reasonable idea? and a reasonable start?
David Corbin            
Mach Turtle Technologies, Inc.

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