Lightning flashed, thunder crashed and Tom Christiansen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
m> whispered:
| Unless that's done completely transparently, you'll pretty much screw the
| pooch as far as "Perl is the Cliff Notes of Unix" notion.  Not to 
| mention running a very strong risk of butchering the performance.

I don't think there is any ruling from Larry that perl must remain the
"Cliff Notes of Unix."  In fact, there seems to be a bit of a concerted
effort (partly suggested by Larry, IIRC) to make perl *less* Unix-centric
and more friendly for other environments.

I'm not concerned with performance, per se.  I have confidence in the
people who will actually write the code to take care of that issue.
Performance will be a factor in deciding whether this can be implemented or
not.  If performance will suffer unacceptably, then this won't get

| I don't understand this desire to eviscerate Perl's guts.  Having
| everything you want just *there* is part of what's made Perl fast,
| fun, and successful.  Good luck on preserving all three.

This desire stems from having a wonderful mechanism for making the core
more lightweight (hopefully improving performance) called loadable
modules.  Larry designed this feature for a reason, and has been saying
since the early perl5 alphas that we could/should migrate some things out
of the core.  I'm simply suggesting all the parts that I think reasonably
go together than could be migrated.  They can still be "there", just in a
module.  If the AUTOLOAD stuff that is being discussed works out, you won't
even know the internals have changed.

I don't understand this desire to not want anything to change.  This is an
opportunity to clean up the language, make it more useable, and more fun.
I would have a lot more fun if perl were a better performer and if it was
easy for me to expand it, contract it, reshape it, improve it, etc.


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