On Wed, Dec 27, 2000 at 02:06:45PM -0500, Hildo Biersma wrote:
> I don't recall the bit sizes to be in ANSI C.  Which paragraph is that
> in?

You need to deduce the bit sizes, as the standard doesn't speak in
terms of bits.  I don't have a copy of C89 available, but section defines the sizes of the various integers:

-- minimum value for an object of type short int
   SHRT_MIN                        -32767 // -(2 ** 15 - 1)
-- maximum value for an object of type short int
   SHRT_MAX                        +32767 // 2 ** 15 - 1

...and so forth.

> Even so, the fact that a standard may declare it, doesn't make it true.
> I would expect embedded targets to differ from this.

I seriously doubt Perl will ever run on an architecture too small
to provide a 32-bit type.  I am certain it will never run on an
architecture with no 16-bit type.

Furthermore, the fact that the standard declares a thing DOES make
it true.  If Perl is to be written in C, it makes sense that it
require a compiler which at least pretends to conform to ANSI/ISO
C.  This is hardly an onerous restriction -- most compilers are
compliant, with the exception of compilers for very-small embedded
systems (ones where the total memory available is measured in bytes)
and antiquated curiosities like the SunOS 4 compiler.

Can you name specific compilers which fail to conform to the standard
in this (or other) regards, which Perl will need to support?

> That's eskewing efficiency to make sensible minimum guarantees.  I'd
> personally rather see the C compiler's native types be used, because
> that's what the platform can do _efficiently_.  Using larger types than
> that harms perl's ability to perform well on small platforms.

I am deeply dubious about Perl's ability to perform well on 80286
(or equivalent capacity) machines under any circumstances.

                        - Damien

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