Uri Guttman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>  n> Explain your counter idea some more (I will _read_ rather than skim
>  n> the RFCs one of these days...)
>  n> It seems to me that decrementing counter is extra inner-loop cost,
>  n> and you still have the conditional branch delay when you test
>  n> counter value, you might just as well test the "flag".
>well, it can be done in several ways and none are too well thought
>out. here is one rough idea:
>       while( op = next_op() ) {
>               op->execute() ;
>               if ( event_flag ) {     # SOME event is pending
>                       if ( --event_dispatch_counter <= 0 ) {
>                               dispatch_all_events() ;
>                       # that will cause a recursive call to this loop!
>                               event_flag = 0 ;
>                               event_dispatch_counter = event_counter_init ;
>                       }
>               }
>       }
>that is so we don't dispatch events between every op code. 

Why not? - hardware does. 
Also once event is posted we keep going into the decrement loop
for all the ops until we decide to do it.

I don't think despatching every op is a big deal - if events are cropping up 
fast enough for it to be an issue we are in trouble anyway.

>i think that
>would cause too much overhead. instead we do it every N op codes. this
>is not a critical issue. the single flag in the loop is much more
>NOTE: the event dispatch call will eventually recurse to the op code
>loop to execute the event handler. 

No it won't - it will return to the outer one having pointed "the" op pointer
and the new op stream. Indeed in my mental model event despatch is either 

   op_ptr = event_flag; // it _is_ the ops we want to do
   event_flag = NULL;

or returns it 

   op_ptr = despatch(event_flag,op_ptr);

>is there an issue of dispatching
>events inside a dispatch call? there shouldn't be any and we have to
>make sure of that. all code at this level must be very clean and
>reentrant up the wazoo. :)
>also some events will be handled internally (read ahead, initial async
>i/o handling, etc.) and then possibly dispatched to perl level handlers.

That argues in favour of the depatch function style - unless the "op(s) to 
process" value is just an XSUB for internal stuff.
>this is more likely to be used when code generating inline checks. every
>Nth op code would be a event_check_op. this has a weakness of what if
>you have a very tight perl loop that doesn't exceed N ops? will events
>ever get dispatched then? the op loop counter method works better there.

Neither solves the long running single op case.

Nick Ing-Simmons

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