On Sat, 2001-09-08 at 15:28, Dan Sugalski wrote:
> At 03:14 PM 9/8/2001 -0500, Brian Wheeler wrote:
> >On Sat, 2001-09-08 at 11:00, Dan Sugalski wrote:
> > > Okay, I'm whipping together the "fancy math" section of the interpreter
> > > assembly language. I've got:
> > >
> > > sin, cos, tan         : Plain ones
> > > asin, acos, atan      : arc-whatevers
> > > shinh, cosh, tanh     : Hyperbolic whatevers
> > > log2, log10, log      : Base 2, base 10, and explicit base logarithms
> > > pow                   : Raise x to the y power
> > >
> > > Can anyone think of things I've forgotten? It's been a while since I've
> > > done numeric work.
> > >
> > >                                       Dan
> > >
> >
> >While not math, per se, there are bitops (and, or, not, xor, eqv) and
> >shifts (though they can be simulated by "mul tx,ty,(2^bits)" and "div
> >tx,ty,(2^bits)")
> Those are next. I'm getting into the math bits first.
> If you want to make a list of bit operations, though, that'd be fine.
> >I doubt rolls would be useful :)
> You never know--someone might want to build an RC5 encoder/decoder in perl. 
> Rolls are useful there.
> >Are there going to be string ops as well, or would add and mul work on
> >string registers?
> String ops are separate. I don't want to overload things too badly until I 
> really have to.
>                                       Dan
> --------------------------------------"it's like this"-------------------
> Dan Sugalski                          even samurai
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]                         have teddy bears and even
>                                       teddy bears get drunk

Here's a list of bitops I came up with.  I don't know how useful EQV and
IMP are, but I included them anyway.


=head2 Bitwise Operations

These ops handle manipulating bitwise data in registers.  All registers
must be of the same type, PMC, integer, or number.

=over 4

=item and tx, ty, tz *

Bitwise And all bits in y with z and store the result in register x.
(x = y & z) 

=item eqv tx, ty, tz *

Bitwise Equivalence all bits in y with z and store the result in
register x.
[do we really need this one?  BASIC has it, but I don't know if I've
ever found a use for it.  Its (p&q)|(!p&!q), I think]

=item imp tx, ty, tz *

Bitwise Implication (of) all bits in y with z and store the result in
register x. [another questionable one.  Again, its a BASIC thing.  The
boolean expression for it is  (!p&!q)|q ]

=item not tx, ty *

Bitwise Not all bits in y and store the result in x. (x = !y)

=item or tx, ty, tz *

Bitwise Or all bits in y with z and store the result in register x.
(x = y | z)

=item rol tx, ty, tz *

Roll y left z bits and store the result in x.  
[what are the valid values for z?]

=item ror tx, ty, tz *

Roll y right z bits and store the result in x.
[what are the valid values for z?]

=item shl tx, ty, tz *

Shift y left z bits and store the result in x. (x = y << z)
[what are the valid values of z?]

=item shr tx, ty ,tz *

Shift y right z bits and store the result in y. (x = y >> z)
[what are the valid values of z?]

=item xor tx, ty, tz *

Bitwise Exclusive-Or of all bits in y with z and store the result in
register x. (x = y ^ z)

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