> >   BW> Roll y left z bits and store the result in x.
> >   BW> [what are the valid values for z?]
> >
> > isn't that rotate left? rotate should require z to be the word size or
> > less. or we can define it to work modulo the word size. which reminds
> > me, is there going to be a simple language way to get the word size
> > (other than %Config)?
> Yep, rotate.  I really need to wake up before I post email.  Well, what
> if a PMC or Numeric registers are passed to rol, rol, shr, shl?  What
> would be the size then?  We could disallow them since they really don't
> make sense...or do they?  Is the VM going go have a fixed size register
> set regardless of platform?  If not, then the shift will behave
> differently on each platform the bytecode is run...and that's bad,
> especially if someone (cleverly) decides that a "SHL I0,I0,32" clears
> the register.

Previous discussions on bit operators on arbitrarily-sized integers:


Executive summary: are you fixing the width of the number or not?

Bryan C. Warnock

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