On Sun, Nov 03, 2002 at 04:59:22PM -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> What I advocate is having possibly only one (maybe too extreme, but 
> doable) built-in op pre-loaded
> at opcode zero. This op's name is "useop", and its arguments give an 
> opcode (optable index), and
> sufficent information for the interpreter to chase down the opinfo (and 
> opfunc). In the best scenario, this

One question this raises is where does this initialization occur ?

I think the information that would be encoded in these instructions should
normally go into a metadata section of the bytecode stored on disk. Having to
pseudo-execute the bytecode in order to disassemble seems unnecessary. I think
keeping this information separete from the executable section will make the
code generators simpler as well.


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