On 3/8/07, Klaas-Jan Stol <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I've started a bit on a PIR tutorial on the wiki.
If anybody can spare a few moments, some feedback would be very welcome!

I don't really have any feedback on what you have, but for what
you don't have:

 1. docs/compiler_faq.pod teaches exceptions nicely enough; I think
    a tutorial of it could mainly use a 'why labels and not subs?'
    and maybe a small example of what happens when you accidently
    enter the exception-handler.

 2. docs/art/pp003-oop.pod teaches OOP in PIR

 3. docs/glossary.pod and docs/compiler_faq.pod talk about
    coroutines (and compiler_faq claims to talk about closures,
    but does not).

 4. docs/compiler_faq.pod talks about optional arguments and tail
    calls and slurpy arguments and such; you might show a
    tail-recursive function as an alternative to gotos (and talk
    about any performance concerns?)

 5. pdds/pdd20_lexical_vars.pod describes those well.

 6. art/pp002-pmc.pod is really cool, with lots of small programs
    that dissect the environment, and I pretty much learned PIR
    from it the other day, myself.

Following 6, I think a tutorial would benefit from compilable
chunks of code more than from skeleton-PIR.  I think it'd be
generally nice if the tutorial could have pervasive links into
deeper documentation, so that you can on one pass use it for
a basic tutorial and then on a second pass use it as a platform
for deeper understanding.

You should definitely point out that Parrot has wizzy
internationalized strings, if you plan to go into PMC types :-)


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