>     >"Print this line.\n"<;

Some questions:

   1. How do you specify alternate filehandles to output to?
      select() doesn't count for the purposes of this question.

   2. How do you support the list form of print, namely:

         print "Hello there ", $r->fullname, "!\n";

   3. Can you support here documents with this syntax?

   4. How does this nest within other perl statements, namely:

         print "Bob is ", $bob->color if $green;
         print $r->param($name) . " is on\n" unless $this;

   5. How is this syntax a big win over the current print?
      The only difference I see is it's 3 characters shorter.
      I realize this is subjective, but a feature request 
      should try to address a problem. What problem is there
      with the current print operator?

As you say:

> The only comment this RFC has had so far is "Ick!" -- Jonathan Scott
> Duff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  I agree - inverse angle brackets won't
> improve Perl's reputation as an ugly language. 

We should consider if this *adds value* to Perl 6. If not, we should
start trimming down some RFC's and retracting them. If this RFC presents
a significant win, we should keep it. If not (I personally don't see
one), we should retract it.

I'm not claiming to be authoritatively speaking for the list. I just
want to give Larry RFCs and input that we feel addresses stuff that
really should be in Perl 6 because it adds value.

Just trying to do my job as chair of this list. :-)


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