Jon Ericson writes:
> First repeat 10 times - "It's not a replacement, it's a shortcut." 

Gotta say that I think it's
 (a) a nasty punctuation mess (don't we have *enough* of those already?)
 (b) unnecessary (I don't get grumpy at typing `print')
 (c) opening up more problems than it's solving

Given interpolation, here docs, print LIST, and (s)printf, I think
we have output really well covered.  We don't need to save two or
three keystrokes, when we already save pages of keystrokes over other
languages with their:

  stdout.print("this is the first part, "
       .concat variable.value
       .concat "."
       .concat String.newline);

verbosities.  I see >< losing readability and not winning us anything.


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