David Corbin wrote:

> > I've got some vague ideas on solving all of these, I'll go into if
> > people like the basic concept enough.

not just in regexes, but in general, a way to extend the set of bratches
that Perl knows about would be very nice.  for instance it is very difficult
for people using european keyboards to produce curlies; if it was possible to
say that Q is the opening brace and it matches against q later, or any arbitrary
characters, such as the single-character versions of << and >> which I am not
capable of producing, if it was possible to specify this in the code somewhere
for instance 

        $CORE::BRATCH{'Q'} = 'q';

(or maybe lexically scoped)

after that one could say 

        $isafromline = qrQ^Fromq;

for instance.

                          David Nicol 816.235.1187 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
       perl -e'@w=<>;for(;;){sleep print[rand@w]}' /usr/dict/words

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