On Fri, Aug 04, 2000 at 09:02:50AM -0400, Tad McClellan wrote:
><aol>Me too!</aol>
>I am amazed that I tell them to use both about *20 times* during the
>course of the course :-), yet I get email questions later that
>don't have them (which I just bounce and tell them to send it
>back when it is "clean" if they want me to look at it).
>I even tell them that it is a "firing offense" to leave them off
>in projects that I control! Yet they get left off. I guess I
>should escalate the presentation of their importance by
>removing my shoe and pounding on the table...

Please take it to perl6-language-strict.

(my sekrit mission: get this list down to a manageable 30-50 posts a day)

Kirrily Robert -- <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -- http://netizen.com.au/
Open Source development, consulting and solutions
Level 10, 500 Collins St, Melbourne VIC 3000
Phone: +61 3 9614 0949  Fax: +61 3 9614 0948  Mobile: +61 410 664 994

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