Damian Conway sent the following bits through the ether:

> Rather than continue to argue the details, why don't people post some
> examples of code where they feel these lazy lists might be useful, and
> let's see if there aren't already good alternatives.

It should be noted that "infinite" lazily-evaluated lists can be used
in Perl 5 in a perlish way with careful use of Tie::Array and

I've got an example of this in my poorly-coded Functional module[1],
which allows things like: 

  take(10, filter("prime", integers))

[yes, that is perl ;-] ... (which is done lazily)

Anything to make this easier to do in Perl 6 is welcomed ;-)


[1] http://www.astray.com/Functional/
Leon Brocard.............................http://www.astray.com/
yapc::Europe - September 22-24 London - http://yapc.org/Europe/

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