I started writing this mail by asking:

>Does anyone else agree that perl should have support for (but not
forcefully) error handling...
>maybe a little like Java's??????

>I know that sort of thing can be acheived with eval(), but surely....

Which is as far as I got, because something new has occured to me...

We all know (and most of us love) the timeless Perl ideoms, such as using
eval to trap die's etc
However, with the birth of the new Perl, I think it is time to bury those
ideoms in the language and
start inventing new ones..

Error handling should be supported by it's own keyword i.e.:

trap {
release (error) {

(just because I didn't want to steal throw and catch)

Timeouts, shouldn't be reliant on UNIX. (Although I dont think they should
be in the language eigther. A system is easily developed using threads.
something which I hope to develop when perl6 is ready...)

The list could go on forever... and although I accept that most of them
should stay as they are, there is a little core that should become part of
the language....

What do you all think????

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