From: Peter Bevan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]

>Error handling should be supported by it's own keyword i.e.:
>trap {
>  #CODE
>release (error) {
>  # ERROR

I think this is touched on by RFC# 3 wherein I ask for user definable error
messages.   With those one could presumably set an error or warning's
handler (I suggested a callback interface) to undef to ignore that error or

What I was suggesting was somthing like:

$PERL_CORE{DIE} => undef; 

die 'you can't kill me!'; # is ignored

        $PERL_CORE{DIE} = { fatal => 0 }
        die 'just a warning!';  # just produces a warning

die 'I\'m not dead yet!';   # back to ignoring die

$PERL_CORE{DIE} = { fatal => 'tiz true' };
die 'OK, OK, already, I'm dead';   # terminates program using CORE::die
                                   # and prints "OK, OK, already, I'm dead"

$PERL_CORE{DIE} = { fatal => 1, sub { CORE::die q(Bring out yer dead!) } }

die 'OK, OK, already, I'm dead';   # terminates program using 
                                   # $PERL_CORE{DIE}->{handler}->()
                                   # so it prints "Bring out yer dead!"

Not knowing much about perl internals, my propostal is quite vague, but am I
correct in assuming that what your asking for is the same, namely executing
a custom code block when a known error (and perhaps warning) is encoutered
at runtime?

As for implementation (ie: 
        trap { ... } release () { ... } 
) I'm not opposed to either, but I think a few others should weigh in, then
maybe an RFC.  Also I kind of like 

catch / release 

for amusement value.


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