>  >
> > Timeouts, shouldn't be reliant on UNIX. (Although I dont think they
> > be in the language eigther. A system is easily developed using threads.
> > something which I hope to develop when perl6 is ready...)
> >
> I don't understand this paragraph.

As it stands, if you want to have a timeout on a peice of
code/function/whatever.. you need to use eval, $SIG{ALRM}and alarm()

Unfortuantely alarm() doesnt work on windows (and probobally any other
non-posix os)...

I just think that if Perl6 means one thing, and it effects only one great
change. TRUE platform independance should be it....
Java is the success it is because of it. And lets face it, we're all here
because we like Perl more, so to paraphrase Larry "Use the stuff that rocks,
and not the stuff that sucks"...

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