Doesn't that put the formating for a target within the document. Shouldn't
that be external to the actual markup?

How about backing up a bit, and adding a style sheet to POD? Then
only markup will be in pod, then making things disappear would be
the job of the stylesheet.


>>>>> "LW" == Larry Wall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

LW> It already is, as far as I'm concerned.
LW> The view that the POD contained within a file specifies a single
LW> document is oversimplified.  The moment we added =for and =begin/=end,
LW> POD became a way to specify multiple, independent documents in the same
LW> file.  Each keyword following =for or =begin/=end specifies a different
LW> abstract document.  If one of those abstract documents happens to be
LW> commentary on the code, great.  Not all of those abstract documents have
LW> to be intended for external POD viewers, assertions to the contrary
LW> notwithstanding.
LW> Seems like all we're discussing now is how much those independent
LW> documents should be independent (where the code itself is considered
LW> one of the documents).
Chaim Frenkel                                        Nonlinear Knowledge, Inc.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                                               +1-718-236-0183

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