Dan Sugalski writes:
: At 11:11 AM 8/9/00 -0700, Larry Wall wrote:
: >Dan Sugalski writes:
: >: Does that mean, then, that when module A does a "$C::bar = 1" it affects a
: >: different package namespace than module B doing a "$C::bar = 2"?
: >
: >Presumably.
: Hmmmm. That brings up some issues of ambiguity, then. If you use C in 
: package A, and also in package B, which do you see when you're in main and 
: access $C::bar?

I dunno.  I don't imagine the situation will arise that often.

: >Think about the long names of fonts for an example of how far this
: >can be taken.
: Would this be "Taken to its logical and sensible conclusion" or "Taken as 
: far as it can possibly go, though it you turn around and look *really* hard 
: with binoculars you can see where you crossed the line, way back there by 
: the horizon"?

I was leaving that one ambiguous on purpose.  :-)


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