Karl Glazebrook wrote:
> Nathan Wiger wrote:
> > Yeah, and isn't it cool that Perl gives you easy access to using and
> > understanding such complex data structures:
> >
> >    print @{ $cars->{$model} };
> >
> > That "junk" makes it easy to see that you're derefencing a hashref that
> > contains a key which is pointing to an array. How is this:
> it's a list of stuff - but a list of WHAT stuff? The @ is essentially
> useless.

It's a list of scalars.  

> >    print cars->model;
> >
> > any clearer? Nicer to look at? Maybe for some. Not for me, I like the
> yep. yep, and easier to teach.

See my sig.  Try to make knowing easy even at the cost of making
learning hard.

> > former. Maybe it doesn't let you know exactly what you're getting, but
> > you're a lot closer. And this:
> >
> >    print "Welcome back, $fullname, to $website!\n";
> >
> > is MUCH better than this:
> >
> >    print "Welcome back " . fullname . " to " . website . "!\n";
> I agree. That's why I believe in retaining the $. The distinction between
> variable and non-variable is still useful.

And I think the distinction between a variable and a list of variables
is still useful as well.

> > Not true!! Only $scalars can hold objects. Now, @arrays and %hashes can
> > hold groups of objects, but only $scalars can hold objects.
> "Groups" is a meaningless concept. You have particular objects which store stuff.
> Is an image of a distant galaxy singular (one image) or plural (ten zillion pixels).

That depends.  Do you want to think about a galaxy or a collection of

> My argument, based on my practical experience, is that all the @% are essentially
> useless now.

Then your practical experience is radically different than mine.

> > To summarize, you should read RFC's 49, 73, 28, and the link to TomC's
> > email I sent you. These address the real problems, and not the symptoms.
> Yes. And I read TomC's stuff on those lines at least 6 years ago. Which
> was why I got annoyed.

What does that have to do with anything?  What has changed in the last
six years that renders these concepts obsolete?  

> The point remains - why treat hashes and arrays as special prefix types?
> It just confuses the language to have to use $ for one kind of collection
> and @ for another.

Why not let @ be used for other types of collections?  

> ok we could use @ for everything - but @ implies 1D ness.

Why?  (Answer: C<perl -we '$a[1,1] = 0'>)

Knowledge is that which remains when what is
learned is forgotten. - Mr. King

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