My first reaction was "NOOOOOOO!!" we'll break too much code!
Now, I'm not so sure. Nearly always, chomp() is what is called for;
how often *do* you need to chop off the last character of a string?
And, as someone else pointed out, why not the first character?

"Al" wrote:
>I would actualy like to see chop expanded to allow a variable number of
>characters to be removed and a sister function to cut the head off. Yes I
>know you can do this with substr but sometimes when you want the performance
>and need to cut up a string into fields. Lets say the new function is called

    Oh, no no no no. The obvious choice of function name is 'chip' :-)

>  while($str =<F>)
>     {
>     $head = take($str,40);
>     $tail = chop($str,40);
>     $middle = $str;
>     #assuming $str had 120 characters in it
>     }

Although... if you're going to generalize it this way, why not call
them LEFT$ and RIGHT$, and rename substr() to MID$?  Ugh...

 Eric J. Roode,  [EMAIL PROTECTED]           print  scalar  reverse  sort
 Senior Software Engineer                'tona ', 'reh', 'ekca', 'lre',
 Myxa Corporation                        '.r', 'h ', 'uj', 'p ', 'ts';

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