At 01:35 PM 8/31/00 -0500, Jonathan Scott Duff wrote:
>On Thu, Aug 31, 2000 at 07:59:31PM +0200, Dan Zetterstrom wrote:
> > Why not use the "function" we already got, tr? Something like:
> >
> > tr///l       # Translate only _l_eading characters matching.
> > tr///t       # Translate only _t_railing characters matching.
> >
> > With "Only leading" I mean translate from start/end until you find a
> > character not matching. Then you can do nifty things such as:
>Um, that would radically change the meaning of tr///.  Better to use
>s/^// and s/$//.

How would you do:

# Writer insists on blank line between paragraphs, first line indented.
# Publisher insists on one paragraph/line, first word ALL CAPS.
    local $/ = ""; #slurp paragraph at a time.
    while (<INFILE>) {
       s/\n//gm;        # combine into one line
       s/^\s//;         # get rid of indent
       y/a-z/A-Z/l      # upcase first (English) word.
       print OUTFILE;

>Jonathan Scott Duff

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