On Mon, Sep 25, 2000 at 01:55:10PM +0100, Richard Proctor wrote:
> It does not seem to have much to do with tr///, if you want it, why not put it
> in a module with some meaningful name such as histogram()?
Hm. Counting doesn't have much to do with tr///, if you think of it like that.

Now, if you wish to raise an RFC which removes the ability to use tr/// to
count characters and puts it in a module with some meaningful name such as
count(), please be my guest, so that I can laugh heartily. I'm merely
extending what's already there.

> How did something like this get in the wish list?

By dint of being a brilliant idea! (Hah, it was probably only Larry or someone
irrelevant like that who put it there... :)

<deus_x> Anyone who takes words on the screen personally should not be on IRC.

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