On Mon, Apr 23, 2001 at 11:31:18AM -0700, Larry Wall wrote:
> There are many people who would prefer . to ->, if for no other reason
> than it's cleaner looking and is one less character to type.  The fact
> that it's become the industry standard for method call syntax is also
> a point in its favor.
> Incidentally, Perl 6 will not require . everywhere that Perl 5 requires
> ->.  The deref will be assumed before (), [], and {} (where an operator
> is expected).  We're only talking about method calls here, really.

Something in my gut feels wrong about needing to relearn all my operators
to use Perl 6.  When I write Perl, . MEANS concatination to me.  It's
spread through all my code.  I know that Perl 6 is going to evolve...but
this is attacking something fundamental to the way I perceive the language.

Change what ., ~, and ^ mean in Perl 6, and I'll need to keep two
operator maps in my head whenever I look at Perl code.  "OK, this is
some old Perl 5, so ~$foo is a bitwise negat...oh, wait, it's really
new Perl 6, and this is a concatination..."

I'm a neophile, and I'd balk at switching to a Perl 6 that did that.
I know my coworkers would revolt; they're already dubious about Perl's
level of complexity.

I'd really rather just make method calls with ->.

If you're dead-set on reassigning ., please consider leaving it at
that, rather than juggling all the other operators around.  Make
concatination be "$a cat $b".  ("eq" and friends already provide
precedent for string operators being words rather than symbols.)

                           - Damien

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