At 06:06 PM 6/10/2001 -0500, Me wrote:
>Dataset from multiple 'joined' tables
>     (A pair of joined tables can be visualized as two
>     spreadsheet like grids that intersect at right angles
>     with the intersection point being the joined column.
>     The vertical slice picks out rows where the joined
>     column values from the two tables are the same.)
>     Whatever is used to support vertical slicing based
>     on col data should be extensible to do joining too.

I can't envisage this.  Particularly I can't envisage it for multicolumn 
joins or outer joins.  Perhaps you could reveal an example.

I don't know where I was thinking of this being a previous thread.  There 
is some interesting stuff in 
and the followups.  I'm still enamored of the $dbh =~ qs// idea.

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