On Sun, Jun 10, 2001 at 03:31:09PM -0700, Peter Scott wrote:
> Even if your database is so simple that you do just want to model single 
> tables, it would be easy to build atop DBI.

That'd be Tie::DBI, then.

This is the kind of thing that can be dealt with perfectly satisfactorily
with external modules; ergo, it does NOT need to be in the core. Ergo,
it probably *does* *not* *need* *discussing* *here*.

You're (that's to say, the person at self-reference.com who is not
prepared to reveal their real name) exhibiting a common trait amongst
perl6-language people, and that's to concentrate on a specific
application *of* the language, and then from there making the bizarre
leap of logic to believing that it needs to be *in* the language.

This is hugely bogus and leads very quickly to second system effect, as
the RFC process has shown us. Don't do it. Focus on the bigger picture
instead. Good language design starts when you stop thinking "I want this
and this and this" and start thinking "how can we solve all these
problems in one generalized way?"

But of course, I'm sure you already know what makes good language design,
because otherwise you wouldn't be mouthing off in here. Right?

Why do programmers get Halloween and Christmas mixed up?
Because OCT(31) == DEC(25)

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